The Teenage Years
Brain Under Construction
During adolescence your child may appear calm and mature some of the time and impulsive and emotional at other times. The teen brain goes through a “pruning” or remodeling process from the back to the front of the brain, which results in uneven development through the teen years. Teen brains are under construction, so teen behavior is inconsistent.
Some teens may have more extreme behavior, increased problems at school, or difficulties with friends.
You may observe:
- Defiance
- Exaggerated Focus on Electronics
- Reckless Behavior
- Emotional Outbursts
- Underachievement at School
Teens with ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, or a Learning Disability can experience changes in the brain more intensely.
We Can Help
SNRG offers several programs to help teens maintain productive behavior, emotional balance, self-awareness, and positive decision-making.
Individual Coaching and Teen Groups help with growth in the areas of friendship, executive function, school achievement, anxiety reduction, and overall positive behavior.